
Disclaimer: All the characters of the X-Files are owned by Chris Carter, 1013 Productions and FOX.

A Happy MSR
PG-13  Romance  56KB
     The title speaks for itself.  Either that, or guess.

R  Angst/Torture  583KB

     Mulder has a nervous breakdown and gets committed to an institution with a sadistic doctor who thinks pain is theraputic.
     Two friends are the only things that get Mulder through.

PG-13  Angst/Character Death  91KB

     In a Consortium facility after everything went to Hell, there are still some survivors.

Eleven Days
PG-13  Angst/Torture  37KB

     Almost a poem.  Mulder's POV.

Paid Dues
NC-17  Angst/Torture/Sex  94KB

     Someone owes, and he pays willingly.

PG-13  Angst  50KB

     Krycek.  The title speaks for itself.

Unreal Images
PG-13  Angst/Friendship  159KB

     Mulder has a breakdown and finds some comfort in a young college student.

PG  Angst  97KB
Hints at Mulder/Krycek

     Dana Scully thinks about what she doesn't have.

Worse Pain
NC-17  Angst/Torture  73KB

     A fight, and Alex's lesson.

The Warehouse
NC-17  Slight Angst/Sex/Romance/Adventure  253KB
Scully/?? Krycek/??

     Special Agent Dana Scully and her parter are to infiltrate a warehouse were mind-controlling drugs are being sold.
     She learns a little too much along the way.

Alien Writing Series

   In the not-so-distant future, aliens came and took over planet Earth.  These are their writings.

  One V'OnnAE'w
  R  Angst/Torture  197KB

     The one that loves his job.

  Two PexT'tiat
  R  Angst/Enlightenment  131KB

     The one that wants to help.

  Three: TSuuA'axxQ
  R  Angst/Torture  110KB

     The one that hates all.

  Four: Transcript: Meeting of the First Heads
  PG-13  General  126KB

Cruel World Series  Alternate Universe

  In a world where freedom is slowly becoming slavery, the Cause rises up to stop the President and the Head Investigator.
  But, all goes awry.

  One: Interrogation
  NC-17  Angst/Torture/Sex  140KB

     The Cause is discovered.

  Two: Dana
  R  Angst/Pain  83KB

     The Cause won't break.

  Three: The Broadcast
  PG  Angst/General  95KB

     The end of the Cause?

  Four: War
  PG  General  42KB

     The Cause fights back.

  Five: Freedom
  PG  General/Angst  168KB

     The Cause won.

  Six: Redemption
  NC-17  Torture/Angst  280KB

     The Cause teaches one to repent.

  Seven: Forever
  NC-17  Romance/Slight Angst
  Mulder/Krycek (unfinished)

     Even without the Cause, two can love.