Cruel World Series


written by Strausser

When the War was over, everything was good. And the sun shone brightly on the tattered land, but everything was good. The water was clear, the sky was blue, and the People rejoiced in the streets, singing songs and praising the Cause, for a fight well fought. The Cause had prevailed, and the President was dead. Now for the New America to come of age. No more walls, no more hidden cameras. Here was the freedom that the President spoke of. Here was the unity and the happiness. Here, in the heart of the Cause. And America celebrated. It was a good day. Most of the Government Fighters were gone, dead, killed by a bullet shot from a stolen Camp gun. Killed by the Cause. Nobody dared kill the Vice-President. The leaders, especially the beautiful, red haired woman, made sure the VP was safe. Not safe from the fight, just safe from death. His death would mean nothing unless it came from Alex Krycek’s hands. But she knew, deep down in the bottom of her heart, that he would never kill Fox Mulder.

There was laughter and a knock at the door, and Alex joined his friends in a party. Drinks were served all around. Stories were told and apologies were given. Forgiveness, for everything.


Mulder had nowhere to go. Nobody accepted him, not anymore, not after what they learned, what they’d been through. He only had one hope. That the man who betrayed the Cause such a long time ago still had a place for him. Swallowing his pride, he made his way down the streets, hidden by the shit-smelling brown wool that covered his head and body. Although he had learned too late that what the President was doing was not right, he had not tried to stop it, not been part of the Cause. Too caught up in his power trip to notice that the world he knew was crumbling to dust. Rejoicing was not in his vocabulary. All he hoped for was a slice of bread and a warm place to sleep. The streets were awfully cold in November.

The only thing he did not want was death. Death had no appeal. He wanted to live through this, to be able to talk about it as an old man. Not caring what happened to his body, not caring if Alex Krycek hated him, would want to grab revenge for what happened on that day a long time past, Mulder walked towards the apartment building he knew Alex resided in, to beg forgiveness, even if there was none.


The knock on the door interrupted the music. Alex waved for the melody to be turned off. It was, and he made his way to the door.

‘Who could that be?’ he wondered. Opening the door, his eyes beheld a sight he couldn’t believe.

Mulder. Fox Mulder, ex-Vice President of America. There, at his door, dressed in a smelly rag, and looking like utter Hell, on his knees with his head lowered. It was a vision out of Alex’s wildest fantasies. Fantasies of long-ago. Fantasies of right now.

“I’m sorry,” the ex-VP whispered, so quiet that Alex wasn’t sure he heard him at all. But it was said.

“Who’s at the door, Alex?” Dana called. She stepped next to him and beheld the sight herself. “Well, well, look at what the cat dragged in. Every door closed to you, *Fox*?”

He stood, head still bent, and said, “This was a bad idea. I’ll leave.”

Alex stopped him with a touch of the hand to his shoulder. “No, wait. You can come in.”

Mulder lifted his eyes to meet Alex’s. Tired hazel to bright green. Dark circles were under the hazel eyes, portraying Mulder’s sleeplessness. Reddened cheeks professed the cold. He was shivering and his face was grimy. Cheeks were covered with the beginnings of a dark beard. But he still looked like the same Mulder that Alex remembered. So he was let into the apartment.

“Come to feed off of Alex’s hospitality, I see,” Walter said. He did not approach Mulder, nobody did. Only Alex, who had one hand wrapped around the older man’s biceps. They sat upon the couch, as close as two lovers.

Alex drank in the sight of Mulder, the man who had stolen his heart, who still had it, even after all this time. Even though he did not want to forgive Mulder for what he had done, he still couldn’t bear to leave him to the atrocities of outdoor living. He could see that Mulder was thin, the War having taken its toll. And by the way the vile smell wafted around the room, he knew Mulder was in dire need of a shower and change of clothes. The others’ eyes burned through them, evil, cold, angry. All they wanted was for Mulder to suffer, to suffer beyond what they endured at the Camp. To suffer for all of them, for the rest of his life. Alex knew he had to appease their anger, but he could not torment Mulder forever. He just wanted to push the past aside and start anew. Fresh. And be with the man beside him until the Earth blew up.

Mulder was glad to have gotten out of the cold. He didn’t understand why Alex was so nice to him. Did he still love him, after all this time? After all he had done, Alex would be so gentle and so kind? It didn’t make any sense. Yet, no matter how nice Alex was, the eyes that watched them singed his skin with their hate. He didn’t expect to leave in one piece, even before he got there. There would have to be some kind of punishment, to appease the mass. The Cause had won. And since he was not part of the Cause, there would be a heavy price to pay.

“Have you eaten?” Alex asked, absent-mindedly rubbing his hands over Mulder’s to make them warmer.


“Do you want something?”

Mulder’s voice was like a child. “Please.”

Alex disappeared into the kitchen and came back a few seconds later with a bowl of fruit. Sitting on the couch, he offered the bowl to Mulder, who picked up a ripe, red apple and bit hungrily into it.

“Sorry about the selection. I haven’t gone shopping in a while.”

“Thank you,” was all Mulder could say. He devoured the apple, then reached into the bowl for a second. Soon, that was only a core as well.

The other people in the room spoke quietly together.

“Alex Krycek has a heart of gold,” Dana said, the venom for Mulder apparent in her voice.

Walter put a hand on her shoulder. “We forgave Alex for what he did to us, why should he not forgive Mulder?”

Her blue eyes were steel. “Mulder is the reason we were sent to the Camp in the first place. He’s the reason Jack got sick, the reason Alex became so withdrawn. I say we string him up by his ankles and teach him something about revenge.”

“Dana.” Walter’s voice was strong yet soft. “Alex knows that we are angry, that we all hold a grudge. He won’t let our imprisonment go unanswered for. He will make Mulder pay, I can promise you that. But before we began the War, the pact concerning Fox Mulder was signed and sealed. He belongs to Alex. Let Alex handle this the way he sees fit.”

She sighed. “I know. But I don’t have to like it.”

Mulder sat uncomfortable against the back of the couch. The warm hand of the man beside him jerked him out of the dazed thoughts that consumed his mind. “Do you want to shower?” Alex asked.

Mulder nodded.

“C’mon.” Alex took his arm and led him towards his bedroom, closing the door behind. Once inside, the sounds of the party from the main room diminished, leaving faint outside noises, and the sounds of their breathing. Alex stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Mulder followed.

“You can use my electric razor, and my toothbrush if you want. I’ll put a new change of clothes on my bed for you. When you’re done, just wait here for me. Okay?”

Mulder nodded again, his throat becoming unbelievably dry. The kindness from this man was stifling. Alex treated him like a long-lost friend, not an enemy who tortured him in the past. There was nothing gained by treating him well; it was undeserved. But Mulder cherished the warmth. It made him feel slightly wanted, in a World that hated his kind. Slowly, as he felt the humid steam rolling from inside the small bathroom, he undressed, handing off the terrible-smelling clothes to Alex. He went into the bathroom and closed the door behind. Alex smiled at the closed door. He knew that the others wanted revenge, and after Mulder finished his shower, Alex would explain the situation. Nothing would have pleased him more than to be able to have Mulder with him forever, without the needed punishments from the anger of the others. But it had to be done.

Sighing deeply, Alex took a plastic bag from beside his bed and deposited the dirty clothes. He tied the top of the bag closed, then placed the bag into his small garbage can. He then pulled out a pair of jeans, a sweater, a pair of socks, briefs and even a pair of sneakers he thought would fit the other man, folded them into a neat pile and laid them upon his bed. Rejoining the party, Alex kept his ears open for the stopping of the water.


Mulder stood under the hot water, spitting down at him, full-force from the silver shower head. A chill ran over his skin, the water a new experience for him in, five months? He didn’t remember when his last real shower was, with shampoo and soap. A few weeks ago a kind woman and her husband had taken him in, shaved his beard and let him wash his face, but it was nothing compared to taking a shower, to wash all the grime and dirt from his skin, and get the smell of shit from beneath his pores. It felt wonderful, but he still felt dirty for taking Alex’s generosity. The thoughts of what he had done to the other man made tears prick the corners of his eyes. It was almost rape, and it made him sick to his stomach to think he got off on it. The War made him see how many feelings other men had, especially himself. There was not a night that somebody from the Cause tried to get at him, only stopping because of another Cause member’s shouts. He never understood why nobody killed him; at first he thought it was because he was evasive, missing the bullet by only an inch, but later, he realized that somebody was protecting him. Perhaps it was Alex, but the question was why? Why would Alex Krycek, the man who had been forced by Mulder to betray his Cause, his People, want to protect him? The idea was ludicrous in itself. Did he really hold that much power to the many members of the Cause? And Alex had not even been a solider. So why then, was Mulder still alive, alive enough to enjoy a hot shower that soothed his aching limbs, with shampoo for his hair and soap for his skin? Tears fell from the corners of his eyes, which he quickly let the shower water take away. Feeling a growing warmth within him, Mulder quickly finished cleaning himself off, and stepped from the shower.

He did use Alex’s razor to remove the hair from his face. It felt nice to be clean-shaven again. It made him look younger, less ragged, more dignified somehow. And he used Alex’s toothbrush, first time in months that he has had toothpaste, to clean away the muck and film on his yellowing teeth. After he was done, he sprayed some deodorant under his arms, and went into the bedroom to dress. The clothes were sitting on the bed. He put them on slowly, relishing the new fabrics against his skin. To his surprise, everything fit, almost perfectly. The sweater was a bit big, which he wondered about, considering he had more upper body muscle than Alex, and the jeans were a bit snug. But everything else was comfortable, even the shoes. Since when did Alex have his size feet? Mulder shrugged, pushing off any old memories as the new clothes captured him. He wanted nothing more than to start all over. It wouldn’t be easy, and he didn’t think he would get out of what he did without some sort of compensation, but when it was all over, he just hoped that Alex forgave him.


Alex heard the shower stop and excused himself from the group. He entered his bedroom to find Mulder, clean and refreshed, sitting on his bed. He sat on the bed, legs crossing, facing Mulder. The other man did the same. Green pools of sadness met with fearful hazel. Alex sighed.

“Mulder,” he began, keeping his voice soft but serious, “you know there is nowhere for you to go.”

Mulder lowered his head. “I know.”

“If I send you back to the streets somebody will kill you.” He paused, to rest his fingers on the jeans Mulder wore. “You are only safe here, with me. Everyone who fought beside you are dead. You were kept alive simply because the Cause felt you belonged to me. They felt that if you were to die, it would come from my hand and my hand only.”

Mulder began to shiver, his hands rolling within one another. That made sense. Maybe Alex was just being nice to him to get him ready for death. He swallowed down a hard lump in his throat. Death was not what he wanted.

“I don’t want to kill you. I have no desire to see you dead. And I will keep you safe, we all will, but not before the anger is appeased.” He cupped the trembling hands between his own. “I am not angry with you. I had made my peace with myself once they forgave me for all I had done. I do not blame you; I blame myself. But they don’t see it that way. For you to be truly safe, you will have to endure their wrath. Live through what they went through at the Camp, what I went through under your hand.” Mulder’s eyes met his. “I want you to be safe. I want to be able to take care of you. I want you to live a happy, free life, free from fear and misery. But I leave that choice up to you. It will be rough and painful, I won’t lie about that, but I promise you that you will not die and I will be there for you no matter what. Even if you don’t want me, I will be there. Even if you don’t love me, I will love you.” He paused, to swallow back the sob that threatened to escape. “Once their anger is gone they will accept you as I do. But like I said before, it’s your choice.”

Mulder knew this was coming. He knew he would have to endure the pain he had put others through. What he did not know, was that Alex still loved him, accepted him, wanted him. It was at that point, that Mulder realized that he wanted Alex as well, always had, but was too wrapped up to notice. When he had told Alex he loved him, he meant it. He just didn’t understand the intensity until now. There was only one choice he could make. “I’ll do it.”

Alex’s eyes brightened with a mixture of joy and sadness. Unshed tears covered the green orbs. He knew they would be hard on Mulder, but Mulder was strong, he’d pull through. And when it would be over, they could live together in peace and love. He took Mulder’s face between his hands, planting a soft kiss upon the lips. The older man didn’t speak, nor smile, but his eyes professed the feelings Alex spoke of. Fear, guilt and trust shone in the hazel eyes. Alex smiled sadly. “C’mon. Let’s tell the group.”

They stepped out of the bedroom, Alex’s hand lightly on the small of Mulder’s back. All eyes were upon them. The older man lowered his eyes.

“I have an announcement to make.” The room hushed. “To satisfy your anger and need for revenge, Mulder has agreed to undergo any punishments you see fit, for a month, short of death or mutilation. After that time, I expect his debt to be paid and you treat him as you would me. I love him, and I understand you need this as much as he does. After a month, he will be my life partner and live here, with me. For now, he is in your hands.”

Alex moved, leaving Mulder open, vulnerable. Dana stepped up and ran her hand down Mulder’s face. She smiled. It was going to be a long month.

FIN 10/19/98

On to Part Six: Redemption